As a non-profit association,
we handle donations responsibly.
It is important to us to ensure transparency
and control in our aid projects.
The help arrives. We use your donation efficiently and report on it.
We handle the donations entrusted to us responsibly. All members of the association work unpaid. We do not have an office. Most of the donations go directly into the project work or (in the case of "earmarked" donations) 100% to the people in need.
A small part is used for costs such as public relations, quality management, control, information material. Part of these costs are covered by membership fees.
All finances are disclosed at the general meeting. According to the statutes, the general meeting has the task of discharging the executive board after its report and the adoption of the annual financial statement. In addition, the budget for the respective coming year is approved by the general meeting. Projects and expenses are presented by the Executive Board to the General Assembly and approved by the members.
Projects are regularly reviewed and evaluated. In the evaluations, we determine whether the defined (stage) goals have been achieved. We also check the economic efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the projects.
For further information on transparency and control, please do not hesitate to contact us: