Material assistance

Improving the supply and quality of medical care

One of Bon Secours' main areas of work is the purchase, transport and distribution of medical equipment and consumables.

We assess the local conditions in Cameroon, discuss the needs with our partners in Cameroon and look for feasible solutions with doctors, specialist staff and technicians. In this way, we agree with the respective hospitals on what we can provide.

The materials are shipped to Cameroon in containers.

We filmed the loading of the 16th container to show you who is all behind this project. Have fun!

As of April 2021: 17 containers have been delivered to Cameroon so far.


The situation in Cameroon:

in the hospitals, standards as we know them from European hospitals cannot be maintained. The power supply is unstable. Voltage fluctuations occur, so that many medical devices - if they are not properly protected - are damaged. 

As long as basic requirements such as a permanent power and water supply are not given in Cameroon, the equipment has to be adapted.

It needs pragmatic ideas, a talent for improvisation and professionals who know the situation in African hospitals.

Support us with your donation in kind and with your expertise!

We are looking for donations in kind according to need.

Only what is really needed is delivered to Cameroon.

Schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail,
wenn Sie medizinisches Equipment und Materialien zur Verfügung stellen können.
Wir setzen uns mit Ihnen in Verbindung.


Unser Team holt die Sachspende bei Ihnen ab.

Für den Transport vorbereiten

Seit Sommer 2018 haben wir ein Hochregallager in der Eifel. Dort können wir die Sachspenden bis zum nächsten Container-Transport prüfen, verpacken und einlagern.

We are happy to be perfectly supported by two great partners for the container transports:
WMF - Barmherzigkeit e.V. and Humanitarian Logistics Organisation e.V.